Put It on Ice

In this article, we explore the burgeoning demand for climate-controlled storage facilities, which are becoming increasingly vital in the nation's supply chain. In "Put It on Ice," Cory Singer highlights the growing need for sophisticated cold storage solutions to support sectors ranging from food processing to pharmaceuticals.

Find full article published in Scotsman Guide: https://www.scotsmanguide.com/commercial/put-it-on-ice/

Modern climate-controlled facilities play an ever-greater role in the nation’s supply chain. America’s food processing, pharmaceutical and cold storage warehousing infrastructure continues to grow with a larger emphasis on just-in-time logistics and last-mile delivery.

Brokers seeking financing for these projects, which can include new construction, retrofits, expansions and facility upgrades, are tasked with understanding the nuances of this type of project. They need to ensure these complex undertakings meet market demands and are financially viable. Surprise delays and cost overruns are common, but most of these hurdles can be avoided by carefully vetting and selecting the right partners to deliver a high-quality product safely and efficiently, on time and on budget.

Read the full article in the Scotsman Guide: https://www.scotsmanguide.com/commercial/put-it-on-ice/