Close up photo of orange safety cone with

FCL is committed to ensure safe work sites for employees, subcontractors, customers, and the public. We maintain a 97% average safety audit score.

Uncompromised safety, every day at every site.

Safety is a core value and vital part of our culture that extends to every FCL service, program, policy, and project. Workplace safety is built into FCL’s industry-leading construction process, ensuring projects are planned for ultimate success.

Onsite project meetings cover safety in every detail. Crews are always ready when internal, insurance, or third party inspectors make preplanned or unannounced safety audits. Our trusted subcontractors are held to the same training and certification standards as our employees. Our culture drives safety accountability; anyone on our job sites can issue an immediate “stop work” order when potential issues are spotted.

FCL Safety Team leaders maintain certifications through the Board of Certified Safety Professionals. All FCL production staff receive OSHA 10- and 30-Hour training prior to joining a job site; these trainings are refreshed as needed to maintain OSHA standards and best practices.

Close up photo of construction worker wearing a High Visibility Vest and a white hard hat.
Close up photo of Scissor lift being using in contruction

By any measure, FCL is a leader in construction safety.

Safety Icon

Average safety audit score

97 %

Consistent EMR

Experience Modification Rate

below 1


Total Recordable Incident Rate



Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred


Leadership, investment, and commitment.

  • Building the culture of safety empowered by FCL's Leadership to "do the right thing."
  • Investment in advanced safety technology, trainings, and data-driven tools.
  • Safety training attendance and completion built into work schedules.
  • Hazard prevention on all job sites.
  • Empowerment for all employees and subcontractors to issue “stop work” orders when spotting any potential issues.
Photo of Crane with the sky background, photo taken on a sunny day.
On every project:

Empowering teams with innovative tools and training.

FCL Project Safety Plans encompass every phase of the process from pre-construction through project completion. FCL safety process automation gives teams project-specific safety data to identify and mitigate hazards, proactively solve problems, and keep construction sites safe.

Automated systems collect and report real-time safety data.

FCL team leaders manage job-site setup, crew participation in regular safety meetings, communication, planning and observations.

Any day, any job site can receive a preplanned or surprise safety inspection – from OSHA, FCL Safety Leaders, Insurance Providers, or other vested third parties.

In 2023 alone, we averaged a 97% compliance score across 1,392 safety audits.

FCL Safety Management

FCL Safety Team

Dedicated to the safety of all of our projects, with multiple employees holding certifications through the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP)

Safety audits cover more than 100 points of safety per site

Three Tier Audit Process

FCL’s Safety Team: Two audits per project per month

Superintendents: Daily safety checks

Third Party: Through FCL’s Insurance and Risk Management Company

Safety Technology

FCL uses the HammerTech software platform to improve the visibility, timeliness and accuracy of our safety inspection and audit data; managers apply these insights to improve our processes as jobs unfold.